Friday, May 14, 2010

Giving Thanks.....

Today was an improvement. I still didn’t sleep good last night, I took melatonin and everything. I just can’t sleep when he is gone! But when he gets home he plays with the kids and I take a mid morning nap, that makes all the difference…

Daddy’s been working A LOT and that’s been hard on the family, but we are adjusting well. So grateful he has the ability to work and still spend time with us! Some days I am overwhelmed by how blessed our family is…I am so thankful for our health, the fact that we still own our home, our kids and relatives are healthy, we all have two eyes, ten fingers, ten toes, two arms, two legs,…etc. etc. You get the point. Everyday we are fortunate enough to be alive and sharing the joy of life with those that love us is A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!

WOD was “Nancy”

For Time:

5 rounds of- Run 400m, then do 15 overhead squats.

My time was 13:40

Let me tell ya, the gym is so annoying! I miss doing my workouts at a crossfit gym, but we will be back at a box in no time! I wouldn’t trade the positive uplifting coaching for nothin’!
Running from the treadmill to the weight area was a pain in the tush, I took out the same guy three times. You would think he would get out of my way after I plowed into him the first time. Tard.


B- Gluten free, paleo protein pancakes w/ organic honey/almond butter
L- Crab meat& paleo meatballs/apple w/ almond butter/walnuts/raisins/ 1sq 85%
S- Deli turkey/apricots/walnuts
D- Turkey breast/ raw asparagus/strawberries/walnuts w/ raisins and honey

Felt better today! Drinking tons of water, makes me pee non stop but it is making a difference. Amazing what a nap will do too…..

Random thought of the day: If you are a roid head. Just an FYI, Its not hot its discusting!