Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…that saved a wrench like me! Isn’t it amazing to think about the fact that we have ALL been saved by his grace?! And oh how we need that saving grace!
Spending a lot of time today thinking about and praying for my family, not just mine, but my parents. There is so much going on right now that needs prayer, and my heart bleeds for them….
Hit the gym early this am. PR’d on my 1rm push press. Couldn’t do the jump rope part of the WOD bc the gym’s ropes are terrible. BUT im going to buy a rope in a few so I can just throw it in my bag for next time. I’ll be finishing my 4 min max rope combo jumps later today.
Came home and made lunch. Then, put the kids down for naps and Tim and I literally laid down on top of the clean pile of cloths on the couch! Haha talk about exhausted!
Im laying here listening to him snore….thinking…..about how wonderful I have it. Sometimes I open my mouth to complain and I shut it right away. Tim treats me like a queen, he really does. Sometimes his sensitivity to my feelings is too much for me. Probably bc I am not that sensitive. Im really making an effort to be thankful and to show appreciation for all of his hard work. The poor guy works constantly! All so that we can pay bills and have the things that we want. He’s a trooper! So today my post is dedicated to him…
Be back later to fill in my food and WOD stuff….
Ok, im back. Whew! Today was busy busy. Bought my own jump rope and stop watch so I wouldn’t have to use the large heavy ropes at the gym that slap me in the face and leave a giant red line…..haha. It’s a good thing I have a great sense of humor when it comes to making a fool out of myself, bc doing crossfit at a regular gym is like a freak show for them! But their sooo jealous!!! Cant wait to xfit in our new box in Cape Coral!
1) Get to your max 1rep Push Press in 4min. 80-95-115-120max
2) 20 seconds on 10 seconds off push ups (8 rounds in 4 min) take you lowest round as your score. Mine was 15
3) As many kettle bell swings as possible in 4 min @ 35lbs. I did 80
4) Jump rope for 4 min (combo of singles, double unders, and criss-cross) I got in 420
I thought I PR’d on my push press but I’ve only ever done a 3rm so I guess not. Workout felt good, I was so tiered on my way to the gym, but just as coach says, “when its go time, its go time!” That phrase has really helped me a lot. And from now on when im going for a PR, I tell myself b4 I do it that im going to achieve it and im slowly starting to realize that my problem is mental and not physical. I will overcome! Can’t wait to see myself in a year!
B- Protein shake (1c strawberries & blueberries, 1 scoop protein powder, h2o, 1 tbs almond butter)
L- 6 oz deli turkey/.5c paleo marinara, 1c cherries/ 1/4c raspberries/ 9 walnuts (Tim thinks im crazy for counting nuts)
S- Protein shake/1tbs AB/ 2 sq 85%
S- Cliff bar
D- 5oz chicken/ 2c broccoli w/ EVOO/1c cooked apples w/coconut oil and cinimon
S- cliff bar
1 gallon water
I threw in an extra snack bc this PMS crap is really making me hungry. The cliff bars are a paleo no no but in retrospect they are not that bad. And the chocolate fudge is mouthgasmic!!!!!! Did I mention I felt fabulous after I ate them?