Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So There IS Light At The End Of The PMS Tunnel?

My lululemon stuff came in today! I love it, xcept some of it has to go back bc for some reason all the run speed shorts fit different? All same size but the colored ones were bigger?

I am feeling much better :)

PM at the gym was awesome, I love the 5 & 6 classes bc they are so busy and hectic, but so fun!

I did the two WOD's back to back.....I chose to do them in the wrong order though and I PAID!

WOD 1 Elizabeth:
ring dips

rx'd at 9:15

  • Holy Toledo the rings dips suck!

WOD 2 Cindy:

AMRAP in 20 min

5 pulls

10 push

15 squats

19 rounds 5 pulls/10 push/10 squats

  • Slightly dissapointed, my last Cindy was 22 rds...

  • I was SO PISSED that I didn't get a full 20! BOO!

  • BUT I am still proud of myself bc I am still adapting to the change in intensity and more training per day. Plus after 45 rx'd ring dips my shoulders were wrecked & push ups were ridiculously HARD!

It's WAY TOO LATE for me to be up...BUT I had to stay up until after midnight bc today is my baby girls 1st birthday! She is so beautiful, and Tim and I couldn't be more blessed. Happy Birthday Tee, Mommy and Daddy are crazy about you!