Monday, September 20, 2010

Sorry I've Been MIA!

"...those who are ashamed of me on earth I will be ashamed of before my Father in heaven..." Mark 8:38

Never be ashamed of your beliefs. Who cares what anyone else thinks......and the word God, Jesus, Lord, Savior, etc. are ALWAYS capitalized.....

The grand opening went awesome and our member base is growing by the day. It is so exciting to me. I love all of our clients to death... thing about CrossFit is it is for EVERYONE. One of the biggest misconceptions is that its not for you if your not in super great shape. Please. i started it right after having a baby and I was in terrible shape!

Strength Work: bench 5x5


  • I took it super easy today because I am still so sick (

WOD- 6 rounds for time

10 KBS @35

15 toes to rings

20 DU

Time: 10:20

Later I'm going to do a 1000 meter row....

Food this week has been in a slight celebratory mode. Time to get back on track. I'm going to cut out fruit again for a few weeks and see how I feel.

Focus will go on strength work for the next training cycle. A few less WOD's a week and a few CFE's but strength every day.


Kate Charles said...

Thanks for the words Lauren... so glad your opening was a huge success... sorry the boys and i missed it... i would have loved to see your "box" and your mom too :)