Been a little crazy around here.
Paleo challenge starts tomorrow as well as games training...well the real deal at least. party's over.
Our member base has doubled at CFS in the last 10 days, it's unreal.
Family reunion this weekend in Gainsville, YIPEE!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
October 1st starts the hardcore games training. No more messing around.....2 a days right away and eventually 3 and 4 a days. I am so excited!!!
I just watched the video of my 1rm OHS and PC......OHS looked good, but the PC sheesh! The pull from the ground was OK, but my catch was atrocious! I think it was because I expected the weight to be heavier and so I pulled too hard and threw myself back. Oh Lordy, much practice needed. Thank you Jesus I was born a brute...LOL!
CrossFit Salvation's 1st paleo challenge starts October 1st. I will be doing a mini nutrition clinic, should be fun! Signed up 2 peeps already this week and it's Monday! Blessings abound!
I keep getting asked where the name CroffFit salvation came from. I simply say, from my faith. salvation has many meanings, but I sat with a bible and the computer and I really liked CrossFit Redemption, but the .com was taken by some non CrossFit site. So then salvation came to me and I had to say it over and over before I liked it...but then Kevin and Tim loved it so there it was!
Hubs is home time for some R&R!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Pink Heals
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Fight Gone Bad 5
Woa big mistake to not eat before this one. Everyone did so great today! I am such a proud coach :)
3 rounds
14lb 10ft WBS
SDHP @ 75
BJ @ 20"
PP @ 75 lbs
Row for calories
Stayed and cleaned for a few hours so the gym was squeaky clean for Monday. Signed up 2 new peeps this week. Came home and cleaned, relaxed and caught some rays for about 30 min. Really tried to stay away from the sun worship this past summer. Last year I was outside so much I swear I turned Hispanic. This year was lots of sunscreen....I would rather take good care of my skin and not be a cancer ish wrinkled prune later in life......but its nice to catch a few min here and there.
Now I must go take care of my little crazy kids!
Pink Heals tomorrow!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
Life has made me Strong, Life has made me Hard. By Hard I mean Tough.
I used to be very Emotional, something most girls are. After a few years of what I refer to as torture, I became almost Emotionless. I felt like I lost some of who I really am, a kind, sweet, giving, very heartfelt human being. As the days go on, and I live my life…..a life that for almost three years now has made me smile, I can feel the real me slowly coming back.
The pink heals event is this Sunday, I will be there in honor of my grandmother & in honor of someone else very close to me who’s mother passed away recently. This person has been in my life for years, but only through Crossfit has become such a close friend. Heather I can not express my gratitude to you and your family (Tony & Kensaroonie). You guys have shown Tim and I what it means to have real friends again. The willingness to always help and the overwhelming support you guys have offered us is unreal to me. Thank you for helping me find who I really am again……I'm going to stop now because I cant see through the tears. Clang, Gurth & Kensaroonie, WO LOVE YOU!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 6:39 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
So I'm really trying to figure out my food intake. the second I drop fruit and start to eat less my energy level drops-dislike. Its crazy because it happens as fast as day two. I am also having trouble eating all of my protein....I don't know, the lean protein just doesn't look appetising to me right now- dislike.
I want to drop a few more body fat percents but then there arises my female issues. As soon as I drop too low my menstrual cycle stops, in turn causing a boat load of other problems...the reason I ended up in the hospital 3x in a month. And for the same reason I need to be careful because we do want more kids....people think we are crazy.....we want a tribe, 4 at least! Ive stopped consulting my OBGYN, all he wants to do is put me on a whole slew of chemically induced hormones that I wont take. I would take the bio identical progesterone, but not now. Geeze...what to do what to do?
I feel good and my workouts have been hit or miss. I never perform terrible but some days I can conquer anything and others are like climbing Mount Everest!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 7:27 PM 0 comments
So today life handed me lemons.....I will choose to make delicious lemonade with them :)
Every night when my head hits the pillow I thank God for all of the great things in my life. So today was a stressful day but I will be grateful for all of the blessings!
I never drink caffeine, but today I treated myself and had a grande pumpkin spice latte......and I went home and cleaned the entire house in 2 hours.. Now when I drink coffee I feel like I'm on crack.
Yesterday was supposed to be a new total 1, but my knee is sore so I did
1000m Row
100 sit ups
1000m row
I am booked solid tonight so we will see how it goes. Knee is still sore but I have to get this total done so I can start the new strength program. I may take one more day off.
I just want to say.......I LOVE MY HUSBAND! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The best part is, when he looks at me I can tell he adores me. He's always there for me & puts up with all my moods. Now that's a good guy!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sorry I've Been MIA!
"...those who are ashamed of me on earth I will be ashamed of before my Father in heaven..." Mark 8:38
Never be ashamed of your beliefs. Who cares what anyone else thinks......and the word God, Jesus, Lord, Savior, etc. are ALWAYS capitalized.....
The grand opening went awesome and our member base is growing by the day. It is so exciting to me. I love all of our clients to death... thing about CrossFit is it is for EVERYONE. One of the biggest misconceptions is that its not for you if your not in super great shape. Please. i started it right after having a baby and I was in terrible shape!
Strength Work: bench 5x5
- I took it super easy today because I am still so sick (
WOD- 6 rounds for time
10 KBS @35
15 toes to rings
20 DU
Time: 10:20
Later I'm going to do a 1000 meter row....
Food this week has been in a slight celebratory mode. Time to get back on track. I'm going to cut out fruit again for a few weeks and see how I feel.
Focus will go on strength work for the next training cycle. A few less WOD's a week and a few CFE's but strength every day.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Almost Time!
OHS @ 65
DL @ 155
smoked it at 4:30, 2 min faster then the guys! What what.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 6:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
My Day In A Nutshell
- So tiered, fell asleep in a pile of clean laundry. Seriously.
- Baby girl is finally pooping normal, HOORAY.
- My 4yr old is a genius.
- My dogs need to get a job to pay for all the stuff they destroy.
- You know you eat too much asparagus when not only your pee reeks, but your farts smell like it too.
- Got some sweet throwback asics coaching shoes.
- So many ideas for fundraisers.
- Kevin fly's in tonight, tomorrow is going to be a long day.
- So excited to spend the week with him and soak in all the coaching info!
Threw together a tilapia recipe that was amazing-
Lemon Garlic Tilapia:
- marinade tilapia fillets in fresh squeezed lemon juice and fresh crushed garlic cloves, to taste
- set oven to 350
- put fillets in a large pan, preferably a stone
- pour marinade over fish
- then sprinkle with fresh chopped basil & rosemary
- bake for 30-40 min
Oh so good.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Florida Baptist Childrens Home
Yesterday a man from The Florida Baptist Children's Home came and spoke in our class. Its so strange because I have a HUGE soft spot for kids. Not only because I am a mommy, but because I have been surrounded by little ones my entire life. For a while now I have felt this tug on my heart to help somehow. Not sure what my place in all of this yet but I will be asking God for a ton of guidance.
If you have a minute, please check out their website. They are the only state sponsored children's home in the state of Florida. Only because law says the state has to have at least one "religious based" home. How sad? They get kids of all ages in all kinds of horrific situations. They could use help in any fashion, even if its just a temporary home for a baby, or a teen that is on his or her way to finding a permanent home. Will you consider helping a child?
Couldn't help but cry my eyes out while this guy told some of his stories, if i could I would hire nanny's and take 100 of them! So sad....
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Tim's 32 Bday
Daddy's birthday was a success. I am beat, and I am for sure fasting tomorrow.
A few things that really touched my heart in Sunday school today, I will blog about them tomorrow.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
"But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. "
1 Peter 3:15&16
Daddy's off for a week, good thing because we have a ton to do this weekend. We have been so blessed by friends in family, people have donated so many things to help us. Refrigerator, office furniture, mats, paint, tires...etc. The list goes on and on THANK YOU GUYS!
Also, I have been made aware today that there are some fellow crossfitters in the community that aren't being as supportive as we had hoped. Its really OK, we are here to make a difference in the community and show our diligence for our people. We wish each and every crossfitter success, no matter who you are! The hatred and ugly words are unnecessary.
Everyone have an amazing weekend & be safe!
Hope this picture makes you smile!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
This is the day that the LORD has made, i will rejoice and be glad in it!
Morning everyone. Two classes down this am and one more tonight. Painting the office and the bathroom today bc we will have power! Bars and squat racks were delivered yesterday!!! Now who's going to assemble the rowers? LOL NOT ME!
Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day, but lately no day is a rest day but I will be taking a break from WOD's today...doing a CFE later.
Yest WOD: 3 rounds for time-
12 power cleans @ 95
15 thrusters @ 65
run 400m
my time was 15 min something...felt great! Here's a pic.....
So last night Heather and I were bored while the guys watched the game...soooo.....we hit up Target.

Marry Poppins people actually wear them?!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Good Morning!
A quote just for you-
"The highest form of ignorance is to reject something that you know nothing about"
-Me :)
Good morning everyone! My days have been long, but all for a good purpose. Seems as if there is a greater power backing this all up. Like everything keeps falling into place and working in our favor...that's how I know this will be great. Lots of prayer and planning & now its actually happening. It's INCREDIBLE! We have the most unbelievable group of people that have become such an amazing part of our lives. We are so grateful!
Everyone have a wonderful day!
Oh and try not to dwell on your hatred about what you CANT have and what you will NEVER be....move on and make the best of your own situation.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Church this morning, then went to see Grandma Brooks.
30 DB snatch @ 25lbs
30 air squats
20 DB snatch @ 25lbs
20 air squats
10 DB snatch @ 25lbs
10 air squats
run 1 mile
Then......I puked
The AB didn't look so hot after dinner tonight.
Today's food was: pistachio crusted tilapia/brussel sprouts, egg whites/pecans, almond crusted salmon/burssel sprouts, avocado/protein shake, shrimp/okra/AB
Emails will go out soon to all of Lee County EMS, & Lee County Fire services regarding the grand opening. We will be performing a memorial workout in honor of Lissa Eddy-Forde and her son Caleb, who were murdered this past Thursday. We will also be taking donations and selling Xfit Salvation T-shirts. All proceeds will go to the Eddy family. We appreciate everyones support.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Run 2 miles
200 sit ups
Then I did shoulders...thats right I did a non crossfit lift. Need big shoulders for bikini/figure.
PHOTOSHOOT WENT AWESOME!!!! I will post pics when I get them on Tuesday.
1007 SE 12TH CT
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Whew long day.
Cleaned the gym today...well I did the best I could with no power!
Today was a rest day & tomorrow is supposed to be the Xfit total 1...BUT I have my first Studio time and Photo shoot for Mojo Boost. So we will see how it goes!
Back is sore and I'm beat, NITE!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Hoodie Hoo
The ? you should ask yourself you run like a girl?
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 5:54 PM 0 comments