Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Me No Feel Good :(

Woke up feeling like I'm getting sick, darn kids always spreading germs! But I'm trying to ignore it.


20 power snatch @ 50lbs
20 sit ups
20 power snatch @ 50lbs
20 sit ups
20 power snatch @ 50lbs
20 sit ups
20 power snatch @ 50lbs
20 sit ups
20 power snatch @ 50lbs
20 sit ups
20 power snatch @ 50lbs
20 sit ups

yes people that's 120 reps...good grief.....

The WOD was actually described by coach as 1000 lbs from ground to overhead in whatever fashion you choose, 6 I figured these needed practice and it was the quickest way to do it....

Strength Work:

5x5 DL 160-170-185-195-205

5x5 Clean Pull 135-140-145-150-160

Double under practice.....max consecutive unbroken was 25.....not that great but after all that effing lifting was wooped!!!!

Food was all paleo except some nutella! It tasted like Heaven and I didn't feel bad about it. :)
I'm going to be good until the party on Sunday afternoon...then no promises.

oh yah and apple pie larabar's are good.

Things I dislike: These permanent bruises on my legs, people that pretend they have big balls but actually have none, Obama, my wisdom teeth that need to come out, child birth, hangovers, oysters, broken promises, cheap wine, girls that wear their toenails too long, the fact that I constantly clean and its always messy (thanks to the three kids I live with), selfish people.