Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Super Calafragalistic...or however you spell it

Today was awesome! We had 4 people come this morning for a team WOD. We had them do a workout we learned at the cert where one team member ran a 200 with a 40lb mulch bag while the other partner did SDHP....when the runner reached the high puller they switched off and continued the reps....but the clincher was every min on the min for 10 min they had to drop whatever they were doing and yell, "hell yah!" and do 5 push ups. The score was calculated based on HP reps. FUN STUFF! To tell you the truth coaching MAKES MY DAY! I love you guys.

I am going to start my girls on their ramp up sessions starting This week. Get ready lady's!

So after the WOD Diana and I made breakfast for everyone! Then we talked and bs'ed for a while.

THEN...Tim got a nasty case of vertigo so I had to do his running around for him. That pretty much killed my gym time, but hey.....its part of being a wifey!

Today was supposed to be-

1x20 OHSQ....but I did 4x20 OHS with a PVC for technique practice. Felt great.

Then.....Tabata barf session

By the time I got to this at 8pm I was dead tiered but i suffered through.

Zercher squats w. pvc-15
walking lunge-11
sit ups-10
double unders- 21

ps- I need to buy stock in Neosporin for my crack! TMI!

Gotta run peeps. From now on my evenings will be spent reading and researching anything and everything I can to better myself as a trainer. Tim and I have decided to save up next for the weightlifting cert and the xfit kids cert.


DKCrossfit said...

What happened to your butt crack :) Doesn't sound very nice!

Xfit Lauren said...

HA! It gets raw and bleeds from my crazy sit ups! LOL You will know what im talking about soon. Ive been told it happends to those of us who are bootylicious :)