This will most likely be on our 1st Crossfit Salvation T-shirt. Love it!
Deer Burger Paleo style! SO GOOD. Courtesy of Tony Demos.

HAHA! Can you see the 1lb PINK weight in his hand?
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
This will most likely be on our 1st Crossfit Salvation T-shirt. Love it!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Today's WOD
Jump Rope for 10 min- using a combo of DU, criss-cross, running, & 1 leg.
Then I did 1 clean & press @ 95lbs every 30 sec for 4 min.
Then I PR'd my power clean @ 145...wehhewwww!
Then Tabata push ups, immediately followed by as many KBS as possible in 4 min @ 35lbs
Felt great. Lifts are a mind game for me..working on winning them.
Planning a CFE after I teach my 7pm class tonight....
OK, so I have a 100% sponsor to support me in doing figure shows! So my first one is in Ft. Laudy on October 23rd!!!! EXCITED!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Yesterday's WOD:
Boxing- 10 rounds for time of....
100 torso blows alternating hands
10 right jabs
10 right left combos
10 left jabs
10 left right combos
LOVED this...took me 8:35
I'm sick again.....:( so rest day today and we will see about tomorrow.
Business insurance. Check.
Affiliation approved. Check.
Equipment ordered. Check!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Tonight's dinner.....chicken, walnuts, asparagus, okra, yellow pepper.....
5 rounds of:
25lb overhead lunge 100ft
bear crawl 100 ft
burpee broad jumps 100ft
9min 35sec
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 6:20 PM 0 comments
This is my little turkey on his first day of VPK. The crying started when I went the day before to drop off all his paperwork. I got in the truck and balled my eyes out the entire way home. What happened? Where did time go? My baby will be in kindergarten next year! It seems like yesterday he was born and a tiny baby in my arms. OK I'm going to shut up before I cry again.
Food has been good. I did my 2 photo shoots, so mission accomplished. I felt good in my own skin...sitting at about 15-16% body fat right now. A good friend of mine has a sponsor for me that is willing to pay my way to compete in fitness shows. Not sure if I really want to kinda conflicts with everything thing I'm doing for the games. We shall see...
Ive added in some good dairy to my diet for a few weeks, Greek yogurt, whole milk cheese once a day, etc. I will take it out in a few weeks. Always good to give the body a variety.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 9:17 AM 0 comments
So much going on with this business! Whew!
Busy Busy! Things are happening fast!
check out our web site
Crossfit Salvation coming soon!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was snatch practice- didnt do it for weight, I really worked on the deapth in my squat. Felt really good
snatch: 10-7-7-5-5-1-1-1
Landed the 80 with no problem, I like these much better once im warmed up.
Then I rushed home to prepare for the dinner party at our house.....didnt get a chance to do the 100 burpee pull ups. ha!
Maybe I'll make them up today?
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Looks like it's gonna be a great turn out!
We wrote the essay to apply for affiliation today :)
Today was my rest day, but I picked up yet another paying client! WOO HOO!
Sand bags? Anyone?
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Past week or so has been kinda crappy for me. I have been blessed with severe hormonal issues.....had numerous problems with my cycle, or lack there of. From hemorrhages, to ovarian cysts.....its a miracle I have two kids & at times that I'm even alive! When I was 17 I was playing volleyball for Team Florida and my body fat dropped to low (apparently) and I didn't have a cycle for 6 months. So Summer hit and I was in off season.....I hemorrhaged big time and almost lost my life. Took me 8+ months to recover athletically.
Now, I suffer from erratic cycles and in turn it effects my energy level. BUT Ill be fiiiiine, I just felt the need to wine....LOL
So the last 5 days has been TOUGH!
Today The WOD was "deck of cards"
Grant and Stormie did it with me-
Sit ups
push ups
Later is 5x5 OHS & shoulder press
Food has been great. Ive been talking to many people about diet. For years I struggled knowing what to eat and how much. Now I feel like I'm in a great place with food.
Mon-Fri I eat strict paleo
On the weekends I go about 85%..........
If you struggle with control, give a little on the weekends & it will help you to keep yourself on track!
Most importantly, don't stress about it! Over obsessing can throw you off the wagon.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 11:07 AM 0 comments
I am really enjoying the homemade rings!
Todays WOD was tweaked bc I had to do it at home...
Run 1k
then 2 rounds of
25 push ups
25 KBS
25 sit ups
then run 1k
Time 14:11
Eggs, turk bacon/peppers/AB, EVOO, almonds
turkey & HBE/apple/almonds
protein shake/AB
eggs, turkey bacon/ mango/hazlenuts
2 sq 85%
Still detoxing offthe fabulous weekend we had!!!
Beautiful day in South Seas.....ahhh I love Florida
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 5:47 PM 0 comments
I'm at a good place in this journey called life.......I have realized what is necessity and what is wanted. Then on the other hand there is good for me and bad for me.
Ive become pretty skilled at picking and choosing who I have involved and who I don't.....all for the best.
Today as a whole was a blah day. I'm feeling so beat and I think all I need is an earlier bed time.
SO much to research and do to get this business up and rolling! But I'm SO glad to do it!
3 rounds for time
400m run
10 handstand push ups
20 burpees
30 double unders
40 sit ups
50 air sq
Time: 18:42
This WOD stunk. I would have normally attacked it with vengeance, body didn't like me today. To add to it the strength work was not fun. My shoulders were not being nice. Know what though? Not every day are you going to have an A game day. The important thing is that you shake it off, and come back tomorrow twice as strong. I will bring my balls to the next workout, and hopefully my body will keep up ;)
DL 1x20 @ 165lbs
push press 1x20 @ 80lbs
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Today was awesome! We had 4 people come this morning for a team WOD. We had them do a workout we learned at the cert where one team member ran a 200 with a 40lb mulch bag while the other partner did SDHP....when the runner reached the high puller they switched off and continued the reps....but the clincher was every min on the min for 10 min they had to drop whatever they were doing and yell, "hell yah!" and do 5 push ups. The score was calculated based on HP reps. FUN STUFF! To tell you the truth coaching MAKES MY DAY! I love you guys.
I am going to start my girls on their ramp up sessions starting This week. Get ready lady's!
So after the WOD Diana and I made breakfast for everyone! Then we talked and bs'ed for a while.
THEN...Tim got a nasty case of vertigo so I had to do his running around for him. That pretty much killed my gym time, but hey.....its part of being a wifey!
Today was supposed to be-
1x20 OHSQ....but I did 4x20 OHS with a PVC for technique practice. Felt great.
Then.....Tabata barf session
By the time I got to this at 8pm I was dead tiered but i suffered through.
Zercher squats w. pvc-15
walking lunge-11
sit ups-10
double unders- 21
ps- I need to buy stock in Neosporin for my crack! TMI!
Gotta run peeps. From now on my evenings will be spent reading and researching anything and everything I can to better myself as a trainer. Tim and I have decided to save up next for the weightlifting cert and the xfit kids cert.
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 5:41 PM 2 comments
OK so I woke up this morning and had this wild cleaning streak, re arranged my formal living area and cleaned like a mad woman. Then I painted the inlay by the front door and did a ton of laundry.
I did a 24 hour fast and it wasn't that bad. I didn't crave anything really.
Strength Work:
1x20 Power clean @ 95
Ive decided my next 1rm goal for cleans will be 150.
Wod was "Nancy"
5 rounds for time
run 400m
15 Overhead squat @ 65
PR'd my time at 13:03
Then check out work was:
4x 30 sec handstand golds
15 ring dips
15 pull ups
My kipps are getting so much better! I can do 25+ in a row now!
Then I came home and had dinner
6pm- 6oz chicken/1c potato, 1c carrots/12 almonds (6-2-4)
I know, I know. Potato and carrots are unfavorable carbs but we had them in the fridge and I made this chicken bake in my stoneware. It was all we had in the house bc we have been out of town. Grocery store in the AM and farmers market Thursday.
As soon as I get the kids in bed in going to do my CFE-
run 45 sec
rest 45 sec
run 1.5 min
rest 1.5 min
run 3min
rest 3 min
run 6 min
rest 6 min
run 3 min
rest 3 min
run 1.5 min
rest 1.5min
run 45 sec
rest 45 sec
A bit more about this past weekend.....
One thing Laura Demarco suggested that I do b4 I compete at the games was do some local competitions. So Ive got a friend/manager who is going to keep an ear out for some lifting/figure/fitness competitions. I have been in a competitive atmosphere my entire life but I do think it would be a good idea to compete in a few random things throughout the year. Thanks Laura for having my family in your box and all of the helpful pointers!
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 4:13 PM 2 comments
This past weekend was phenomenal! I AM SO EXCITED TO BE A CROSSFIT LEVEL 1 TRAINER!
I really learned a ton and it made me realize how crappy my previous coaching had been, Things that weren't even touched on in my 101's session! UNBELIEVABLE! I will make a promise to my future clients that I will NEVER be that way!
PR'd my fran time at 6:10 and used 69lbs instead of 65.
check out the pics from ATL
Posted by Xfit Lauren at 9:32 AM 0 comments