Title says it all......Tim's back to work and I'm left to fend for myself and take care of the kiddies. I just want to feel better! GRRRR
Diana came over and did her WOD this am and kicked bootay.
Gave Kel his WOD for later and I'm so mad that I wont be there doing it with him.
My body is mucho angry with me for working out yesterday, achy ooooh so achy. I feel 100 ys old.
Cant swallow so I will be lucky to get in half my blocks today, living on a baby diet.
Psssst Im back
1- 1c applesauce
2-protein shake w/ coconut water
3- ground chicken salad w/ almonds & EVOO
4- ground chicken w/ grapes and raisins/ small sweet potatoe w/cinn
5- 1/2 carrot cake larabar/ 1/2 chocolate fudge larabar
Did you know Publix doesnt have pumpkin right now? Interesting.....I must need to buy all of it in November then....I did last Nov, and im out!
Choked down food today. We have a super busy busy busy day tomorrow. Lots going on around our house.
I am very excited and anxious about the future :)
Philippians 4:6- "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
I know the right thing will happen, I am trusting the meer fact that we DO NOT create our own destiny, but God does.
Leonides King of the Spartans and Princess Fiona
AKA Leo & Fi
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