Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gettin The Heck Outa Dodge!

Morning WOD:

run 400m
skip 200m
run 400m
skip 200m
run 400m
cartwheels 200m
run 400m
cartwheels 200m

Crazy one, I know! Did this with my trainee so I didn't time myself.

PM Work-

Warm up: "ANNIE"


double unders
sit ups

Time: 9:30

I don't ever do weighted sit ups, they are easier...but i would rather it be hard :)
Oh yah, and double unders are fun when you have squeezed out two kids....NOT!


1x20 OHSQ @ 60 lbs - too easy

1x20 bench @ 95 -this was challenging but I banged out all 20 reps!


3 rounds for time:

50lb farmers walk 100 feet
45 lb overhead walk 300 feet
25 KBS @ 35lbs

Time- 7:26


We decided to leave tonight and drive through to ATL, way easier with the kids. Which means we will have an extra day...I think were gonna do the water park & the aquarium. Then were going to see Laura Demarco @ her Box, Crossfit RX. What an amazing athlete she is!

Wont be blogging much this weekend....but next time I do I'll be a certified Crossfit level 1 trainer!!!!!! Well, that's if I pass......but I'm not worried!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Angie and I are NOT friends!

Strength :

1x20 power cleans @ 95lbs.

I'm starting to like these :)


for time:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

my time 21:04

I finished the 100 pull ups at 8 min.....I was pleased with myself. Such an enormous improvement. A few months ago I could only do 13 kipps in a row, now I can do 20 & I am getting better at butterflying!


900: 3 oz chicken/ 1 tsp AB
1100: 4 egg whites/9 almonds
100: 3 oz beef patty/12 asp/9 almonds
200: 3 oz beef/ 1c whole organic milk
600: 3 oz beef, 3 oz chicken/1c whole milk w/ protein/9 almonds, 1tsp AB


Tomorrow is the last day I have to get everything ready before we leave for Atlanta on Thursday! So excited!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Back At It

Strength Work:

1x20 push press @ 75lbs

1x20 dead lift @ 165lbs

1x20 snatch @ 65lbs

WOD: 3 rounds for time

50 meter overhead walking lunge w/ a 25lb plate
20 box jumps @ 20 in
400m run

Time: 19:51


fasted until 11:30

1130: 3 oz chicken/24 asp/9 almonds
130: 3 oz chicken/2c lettuce, 2c mushrooms/2 tsp walnuts
330: 4 oz chicken/2c lettuce, 2c mushrooms/2 tsp walnuts
700: 4 egg whites, 1 egg/ .75c onion, 1c mushrooms/2 tsp AB
830: 3 oz chicken/2 tsp walnuts

Total: 16-4.4-21

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rugby Tournament 2010
FMB Holiday Inn

This weekend was so much fun! Tim and I really needed a break from stress, and we got it!
We are going to start networking and possibly playing a little rugby when we can.
Thank you so much Crossboxx for the opportunity to test out your bumper plates! We are so excited to be able to max out & drop weight! Guys, check out their website....
We are thrilled to be partnering up with you guys for the equipment in the new box!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Took the little monkey to ride the horses today. He absolutely loves it! Such a cowboy in training:) Cant wait until he's 6 so we can start barrel racing lessons!

This is Grant giving the big boy Sarge a bath.

My days continue to be extremely busy, tomorrow is going to be the same. I am really looking foreword to going down to the beach on Saturday with my hunny for the rugby will be a blast I'm sure. Beach + Beer+ Good friends...How couldn't it be?!



Single jump ropes

sit ups

push ups


*felt strong, I would have to say the push ups sucked the most.

Today was a strength rest day.

I feel so tiered today and I'm not sure why, possibly the reduction in my sugar intake...

Then I did an hour on the treadmill, kept the heart rate at 118.


9- 4 egg whites/12 asp/5 mas nuts (2-1-5)

11- 3 oz chick/9 almonds (3-0-3)

2- 3 oz chick/12asp/2 tsp AB (3-1-4)

6- 3 oz chick/sm sweet pot (post WOD)/2 tsp AB (3-2-4)

-protein shake (24g)

8- 4 egg whites (2-0-0)

Total -the prot shake= 14-4-16

Still shabby on the carbs, but that's ok for now. I will start back eating more when the shoot is over.

Really craving sweets today, hence the reason for all the AB...naughty, naughty.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Feelin' Good

The Wonder Woman T-shirt is just for you Lawrence!!!
Today was productive, me likey.
I used to shop ALL THE TIME for cloths. Either 'every day' cloths or 'going out' funny bc now all i do is look for sweet workout gear that matches!!!!!
1x20 bench @ 90lbs
1x20 squat clean @ 65lbs
10 rounds for time of:
3 snatch pull @ 80lbs.
6 ring dips
Had to sub the ring dips for bench dips, and the KTE for backwards sit ups. GRRR I CANT WAIT FOR OUR BOX!!!!
Time was: 6:40
Then HSPU practice.....gettin better! I only need about 2 in. to get up, much improved!
8- 4 egg whites/6 asp & 5 straw b/1 tbsp EVOO (2-1-3)
10- 3 oz chicken/2c coulif & 1/2 apple/9 almonds (3-1.5-3)
1- 3 oz chicken/12 asp/ 2 tsp AB (3-1-4)
3- 3 oz chicken/ 1 tsp walnuts (3-0-2)
6- 3 oz chicken/ 1 tsp AB (3-0-2)
grand total: 14-3.5-14
Not too shabby. I need to add more veggies and less fat.
Someone once said that you had to "gain weight" to be stronger. This is true to a degree. Gaining FAT is not going to make you stronger. Yes, Yes there's the 'weight moves mass' topic. Thing is, Ive lost 20 lbs since I started crossfitting 5 months ago and I am WAY stronger now. Don't be fooled, you don't need to pack on the fat to lift more ;)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Playdate Day!

I love our play date days. They are great, not only for me but for the kids too.

Tomorrow we are riding the horses...Grant loves this.....

I cant even believe my baby girl is 9 it sick that I have baby fever already? I see pregnant women and I cant help but stare.....Its such a precious and special time.


Its too soon for me, we want more but not yet! Plus I have to wait till at least after the games!

Today I ran another boot camp. It was fun and the girls rocked "Fran Modified"


9- 4egg whites in 1 tbsp EVOO/6 asp/5 strawb/6 olives

10- 1 sq 85%/1 tsp AB

1- 5 oz turkey w/ mustard/ 5 strawb/1 oz cheese/small walnut salad

-2 Mimosa's!!!!!

4- 1 tbsp AB

7- 5 oz chicken w/ onion and mush in EVOO/ 1/2 cauliflower/ 9 asp

9- 3 oz chicken w/ 2oz onion/ 1/3 cauliflower

This week I am cutting out fruit in the week it will go bye bye for a while....The Mimosa's were sooo good at lunch!

Strength Work: back to 1/20's!

OHSQ @ 55

DL @ 165

push press @ 75

Then a CFE 4x440

Super excited about the cert...primarily bc I will be a crossfit level 1 trainer after, but also excited to see my family and take the kids to the aquarium!

Monday, July 19, 2010

just me

I am strong*energetic*determined*powerful*loving life*embracing trueness*training hard*every day*day after day*To ME-life is powerful & I will embrace it with everything I have!

Today I pulled a two a day. Don't feel like blogging much I'M BEAT.

I'm gonna spend some time with the love of my life.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Let's Get To The Point.

100 air squats
90 double unders
80 push ups
70 sit ups
60 pull ups
50 thrusters @65
40 weighted lunges @45
30 box jumps @24"
20 dead lift @ 135lbs
10 handstand push ups


Please tell whoever made up this workout that I STRONGLY DISLIKE THEM.

Food was good today but the shoot is fast approaching and its time to cut out fruit. I'm at 18% and I need to drop back down to 14%.

Tomorrow is my first bootcamp with all my girls! Excited!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why am I so busy all the time?

For some reason I thought quitting my 70 hr a week job and becoming a stay home mom would bring me all kinds of free time....yah right.

Yesterday's CF TOTAL 1 went really well & I am very pleased with my progress. On the down side I'm a little pissed bc I'm not really even sore today.Which means yesterday could have been heavier :( BUT I thought upping my DL by 5, back squat by 10, & press by 20 would be enough...grr. The DL didn't really feel heavy, I really need to stop underestimating myself.

Today has been slam packed & Ive been up since going to the gym didn't happen. I made up my own CFE:

bike 1 mile
run 400m
bike 1 mile
run 400m
bike 1 mile
run 400m

This one was narsty. Esp. in the 3pm heat....

I was going to do 5 rounds but of course time was an issue. It was a nice little endurance WOD. I'm really trying to lean out big time for this shoot.

Well I'm off, my wonderful husband is taking me out on a date tonight. Sushi here I come!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Today is crazy busy, so I'm blogging early...

This am I did a WOD with Heather:

10 rounds for time of:

run 100m
10 push ups

Then Tim and I hit the gym for some 1rm PR's!!!!!!

deadlift: 230-250-270!!!!!! NEW PR!!!
BACK SQUAT: 230-240-250!! ANOTHER PR!
shoulder press: 90-100-110 yet another!

PS- weight belts are for wimps! This isn't a power lifting competition, this is CROSSFIT! Do it on your own or don't do it at all!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The hubbs is workin like crazy.

Been up since 4...not sleeping good.

Yesterday's WOD was: 4 rounds for time of

8 power cleans
8 shoulder press
8 weighted lunge each leg
8 thrusters
8 DL
8 Pull ups
8 sit ups

all lifts done w/ 50lb bar


Getting excited about getting our cert! Staying with family in glad we have a free place to stay!Thanks Aunt Debbie!

Today's a rest day so not much happenin here....worked with Diana and Claire at the house this am then Kel at the gym....damn im gettin pretty popular! LOL


1- 2 eggs/banana/6 almonds
2- 2 oz turkey/ 4 walnuts
3- 1/2 larabar
4- 3 eggs w/ onion
5- 9 shrimp/ 9 walnuts

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wonder Woman

My friends keep telling me I look like Wonder Woman......YAH RIGHT! The original Wonder Woman was about 90lbs and physically she was hardly what we would consider "crossfit fit"

So I see it in the face a little...but I bet Wonder Woman never did burpees ;)

Morning WOD:

100 sit ups

200 air squats

50 burpees

Time- 11:20
PR'd my clean and jerk at 135lbs!
then did a 5m bike after.
Food has consisted of, Tilapia, apple, eggs.....and some non paleo cookies I made....yup its that time of the month again.
Cookies were damn good:
3/4 c gluten free baking mix
2 eggs
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2 c organic choc chips (non dairy/non soy)
2 tbsp honey
4 packets stevia sweetener
a little cinn and nutmeg

Monday, July 12, 2010


Sue and I met with the owners of the building today to go over the pricing and terms of the lease for the new box! I can not even tell you how excited I am. Its happening, its actually happening!!!!!
WOD was:
5 rounds for time of
7 thrusters @ 65lbs
7 pull ups
My time was 5:40
Strength work:
Bench 5x5
I am still so beat! Cant wait to feel better!
8: 2 eggs/kale/6 almonds
1145: cucumber salad/coconut
1: 9 oz tilapia/walnuts/larabar
330: 1 HB egg/small amt of strawberries & blueberries/coconut
7: 5 oz tilapia/cucum salad/coconut

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 9 &10

My Homie for LIFE!

Don't ever apologize for who you are

Macarena? Anyone? Anyone?

She told me I couldn't.......right

Camera's in the bathroom are bad

Love my crazy Daddy!

It's been an eventful weekend so far.

Flu, double ear infection, and joke, all at the same time. Ive been to the gym twice in the past 9 days. I finally got sick of it and hit the gym yesterday.

WOD- AMRAP in 20 min of
10 box jumps @ 20"
7 clean & jerk @ 100lbs
5 burpee clean jumps

I finished 5rounds just shy of 20 min...

After being so sick it wasn't that great but It felt good!

Strength work:

Back SQ 5x5: 150-160-170-185-205

Weight wasn't challenging, I was tryin to take it easy...

I was happy to be back in my element, but it knocked me back a bit I think. Today I felt like CRAP!

I rested today, but you bet your buns ill be back at it tomorrow.

Today's Grub:

1: Woke up early and needed a hangover cure so I was naughty and had a pita. It was what I needed.
2: 2eggs w/ EVOO and Chicken
3: Mom's homemade soup(chicken,veggies, no salt), small tomato from my garden.
4: 2 oz chicken, sprouts and greens, homemade larabar, 1 sq 85%
5: 3 oz turkey, Kale, cucumber salad, okra, coconut

Thursday, July 8, 2010

so over it

Woke up at 3am with a terrible ear infection.

On a positive note, Ive been back in my size 4's for over a month now! Woop Woop! It was definitely harder with baby #2 but I'M BACK!

Hoping the Excedrin kicks in soon...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

SICK of being SICK

Title says it all......Tim's back to work and I'm left to fend for myself and take care of the kiddies. I just want to feel better! GRRRR

Diana came over and did her WOD this am and kicked bootay.
Gave Kel his WOD for later and I'm so mad that I wont be there doing it with him.

My body is mucho angry with me for working out yesterday, achy ooooh so achy. I feel 100 ys old.

Cant swallow so I will be lucky to get in half my blocks today, living on a baby diet.

Psssst Im back

1- 1c applesauce
2-protein shake w/ coconut water
3- ground chicken salad w/ almonds & EVOO
4- ground chicken w/ grapes and raisins/ small sweet potatoe w/cinn
5- 1/2 carrot cake larabar/ 1/2 chocolate fudge larabar

Did you know Publix doesnt have pumpkin right now? Interesting.....I must need to buy all of it in November then....I did last Nov, and im out!

Choked down food today. We have a super busy busy busy day tomorrow. Lots going on around our house.

I am very excited and anxious about the future :)

Philippians 4:6- "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

I know the right thing will happen, I am trusting the meer fact that we DO NOT create our own destiny, but God does.

Leonides King of the Spartans and Princess Fiona

AKA Leo & Fi

Monday, July 5, 2010

God bless our country!

Had a wonderful 4Th with the family! So grateful for all the men and women who fought to keep our country free and continue to! Still sick as a dog but I'm hittin the gym anyway back to fill you in.
Ok, I mustered up everything I had and went.
push ups: 20-15-12-10-10-10-10-10 97
sit ups: 10-11-11-11-11-11-11-11 87
air squats: 27-29-27-30-25-26-25-25 214
pull ups: 12-9-8-8-6-6-4-6 59
pull ups were ugly but I'm just proud of my sick self for going.
1-2 eggs/1/2 tomato/9 almonds
2-3oz chicken/1c 100% apple sauce/9 almonds
3- smoothie (spinach, cucumber, blueberries, grapes)
4- protein shake/chicken salad w/ tomato and EVOO
5- small chicken salad w/ romaine in flax seed oil w/ grapes and raisins

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rest Day.....NOT!

Today was supposed to be a rest day.....I was going to go to the gym and do a 5k for time...but I got a call at noon that the football coach at South High wanted Tim and I to do a Crossfit demo for the preseason players.....It was a blast! Must say I miss lifting with bumper plates! They felt so much lighter then steal plates...its ok though its just making me stronger!

Tim did "Hughes" again and smoked his old time!
I made up a wod....

AMRAP in 20 min of

30 DL @ 135lbs
30 push ups
10 clean and jerk @ 100lbs

did 2 rds and 30 DL

Food was all paleo except nutella again...and guess what? Im gonna keep eating it bc the extra sugar puts my energy through the roof!