Monday, April 4, 2011

Sometimes I have to remind myself: CrossFit does not define me! My Faith first and foremost, my family, and my job as a mother define me! CrossFit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, but as a box owner and a coach, I have to remind myself of that sometimes! CrossFit is all I do every day of the week. Weather its coach, train, etc. its all I do! I love it though.... Being a certified level one coach does not make you ready to train other people. There is so much more to it, I am grateful to have had these past 6 months to learn and grow :) For this weeks WOD I was not ranked as well as last week. Its about time for a strong girls WOD. Enough of this skinny biatch stuff. How about a 1rm Dead already?! Another thing. All of my CF mentors have always told me to eat tons of good fats.....well, they are all male! That method works much better for men, in my experimentation women don't need as much of it. I have cut some fats and continued with proteins and green leafy veggies. Leaning out :)